Jim Wagner
2016-12-20 19:32:43 UTC
I am less interested in rationale than just a simple A-B comparison. For example, are concatenation operators valid for both data types? Can you concatenate a string onto a text (or do you have to convert, first)? A short exposition about changes that occur when you convert from string to text and text to string would also be really helpful. A list of (some) common places where argument or return type have changed from string to text would be nice. Thats what I would hope to find.
James Wagner
Oregon Research Electronics
http://www.orelectronics.net <http://www.orelectronics.net/>
James Wagner
Oregon Research Electronics
http://www.orelectronics.net <http://www.orelectronics.net/>
I'll bet the rationale you seek is buried in a release note (these rarely
make it to LR which perfunctorily describes the current flavor).
Seems like the helpful 'introduced in YYYYrNN' and 'deprecated in YYYYrNN'
LR mentions are also less in evidence nowadays or is that just me?
_______________________________________________make it to LR which perfunctorily describes the current flavor).
Seems like the helpful 'introduced in YYYYrNN' and 'deprecated in YYYYrNN'
LR mentions are also less in evidence nowadays or is that just me?
I have only barely dealt with text data type. And, like many, I am not
even very clear what the distinction is. Sadly, the current organization of
the LR does not lend itself to browsing and learning by discovery. Can
someone suggest where the two are compared and contrasted?
Many thanks
James Wagner
Oregon Research Electronics
http://www.orelectronics.net <http://www.orelectronics.net/>
_______________________________________________even very clear what the distinction is. Sadly, the current organization of
the LR does not lend itself to browsing and learning by discovery. Can
someone suggest where the two are compared and contrasted?
Many thanks
James Wagner
Oregon Research Electronics
http://www.orelectronics.net <http://www.orelectronics.net/>
Sounds not so much like a dictionary issue but withthe variants returned,
since I infer they no longer automagically convert to the requested type
(are 'operator_convert' methods deprecated elsewhere too?)
I'm still using the older frameworks and have yet to grapple with that or
the string v. text change.
I would assume anything favoring String type at this point is a
oversight/bonafide bug.
dim t as text
tŽst1","Default") // Type Mismatch
So if you do not explicitly type the value that is beeing assigned, then
"All classes, methods and properties in the Xojo framework use the Text
Either it is a documentation error or an implementation error.
_______________________________________________since I infer they no longer automagically convert to the requested type
(are 'operator_convert' methods deprecated elsewhere too?)
I'm still using the older frameworks and have yet to grapple with that or
the string v. text change.
I would assume anything favoring String type at this point is a
oversight/bonafide bug.
dim shello as string > d.value("b")> tŪ", df).textValue //TypeMismatch
In these cases .stringValue.toText
dim d as new DictionaryIn these cases .stringValue.toText
dim t as text
tŽst1","Default") // Type Mismatch
So if you do not explicitly type the value that is beeing assigned, then
"All classes, methods and properties in the Xojo framework use the Text
Either it is a documentation error or an implementation error.